Allied Academies

Global assembling of Academicians, Researchers, Scholars & Industry to disseminate and exchange information at 100+ Allied Academies Conferences

Discoveries and technological advancements in wound healing and critical care

Welcome Message & Past Conference Report

Wound Care and Nursing 2022 is proud to announce the  which will take place in Prague, Czech Republic on May 13-14, 2022

We cordially invite you to attend the experts' futuristic ideals and a gathering of world-renowned academicians, researchers, business delegates, principal investigators, nurses, and top branded exhibitors.

Wound Care Congress 2023 is designed to bring together notable scholars from the wound care, nursing, and Critical Care communities to present and explore the future of wound and tissue science medicine.

The conference lasts two days and will cover new methodologies, beliefs, and philosophies that affect your professional development.

Join us with your academic and clinical strategies that will lead to a positive outlook on future wound care and Critical Care

We eagerly anticipate your illustrious presence!

Best Regards,

Organizing Committee
Wound Care and Nursing 2022

Past Conference Report :

5th International Conference on Wound Care, Tissue Repair and Regenerative Medicine

April 15-16, 2022, Paris, France

We would like to express our special gratitude to all our wonderful keynotes, speakers, conference attendees, students, associations, media partners, exhibitors, and guests for making Wound Care 2022 a successful and splendid event.

Allied Academies hosted the event of “5th International Conference on Wound Care, Tissue Repair and Regenerative Medicine” during April 15-16, 2022 at Millennium Hotel Paris Charles De Gaulle, Paris, France with the theme “Expanding Horizons – New Approaches and Innovation to Wound Care, Tissue Repair and Regenerative Medicine”. Benevolent response and active participation were received from the Editorial Board Members of supporting International Journals as well as from the leading academic scientists, researchers, students, physicians, and leaders from the fields of Wound Care, Dermatology, and Regenerative Medicine  who made this event successful.

The conference was distinguished by the presence of young and brilliant researchers, business delegates, and talented student communities from over 18 countries, all of whom contributed to the success of the event. Various presentations on contemporary wound care research were highlighted at the conference.

Wound Care 2022 featured several world-class speakers who shared their expertise and confabulated on a variety of cutting-edge subjects in the disciplines of Wound Care tissue repair, regenerative medicine, dermatology, and surgical cosmetology.

The conference was organized into several sessions, with discussions takes place on the following important scientific tracks:

  • Wound Care & Lymphedema
  • Wound Healing and Tissue Regeneration
  • Wound Infections
  • Skin Care
  • Clinical Dermatology
  • Paediatric Dermatology
  • Regenerative Medicine
  • Surgical Wound Care
  • Surgical Cosmetology
  • Wound Dressing

The conference proceedings were carried out through various Scientific-sessions and plenary lectures. The conference started with an opening ceremony, followed by a series of speeches by both Honourable Guests and Keynote Forum members The adepts who promulgated the theme with their exquisite talk were.

  1. Denis Watson | ManukaMed | New Zealand
  2. Alexandra Lucas | Arizona State University | USA
  3. Vladimir Emelyanenko | First Clinical Medical Center Ltd | Russia
  4. Zhanna Yu Yusova | Federal State Budgetary Institution of the Additional Professional Education Central State Medical Academy | Russia
  5. Hongjie Duan | The Fourth Medical Center of PLA General Hospital | China
  6. Hannah Thomas | Perfectus Biomed Group | UK
  7. Lisley Viana | Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas | USA
  8. Jenni MacDonald | NHS Lothian | UK
  9. Anuja Doshi | University of New England | USA
  10. Zoya Evsyukova | MSMU n/a. Evdokimov | Russia
  11. Lorena De Oliveira Cerqueira | Federal University of Espirito Santo | Brazil
  12. Soo Jia Ying | University Putra Malaysia | Malaysia
  13. Monika Ziminska | Queen’s University Belfast | UK
  14. Ekaterina Orlova | Federal State Budgetary Institution NMSCO FMBA of Russia | Russia

The event enlightened various areas of Wound Care,Tissue Repair and Regenerative Medicine with Workshops and plenary lectures from the speakers of various universities and organizations like

  • ManukaMed | New Zealand
  • Perfectus Biomed Group | UK
  • NHS Lothian | UK
  • Urgo Medical | France
  • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia | Russia
  • Federal University of Espirito Santo | Brazil
  • University Putra Malaysia | Malaysia
  • Queen’s University Belfast | UK
  • Federal State Budgetary Institution NMSCO FMBA of Russia | Russia
  • IIT Delhi | India
  • Jazan University, Saudi Arabia
  • Austin Health | Australia
  • National Cheng Kung University | Taiwan
  • Arizona State University | USA

We are also grateful to several delegate experts, company representatives and other eminent personalities who supported the conference by facilitating active discussion forums. We sincerely thank the Organizing Committee Members for their gracious presence, support, and assistance towards the success of Wound Care 2022.

About Conference

Allied Academies gladly invites all participants from all over the world to our event, titled 6th World Congress on Wound Healing and Critical Care, which will take place in Prague, Czech Republic on May 13-14, 2022

The Wound Care Conferences this year will feature ten or more keynote talks, fifty or more plenary lectures, ten or more Young Research Forum Lectures, and twenty or more poster sessions across two days of engaging, dynamic conversation. There will also be three or more workshops and two or more symposiums. We intend to offer technical demos as well as a variety of informal networking opportunities.

High-level scientific sessions, networking opportunities, and a fantastic opportunity to discuss research, skills, and experiences with international Wound Care Community peers are all highlights of the conference.

Professional development to aid in wound care and tissue regeneration. Develop new interactions and collaborations through wound care conference networks.

Investors meet with business owners.

The Wound Care Conference presentations involve advances in wound healing, diagnosis, prevention, wound management, and treatments, as well as advances in technology and research.

Best Regards,
Organizing Committee
Wound Care 2022

Scientific Sessions/Tracks

Conference Highlights:

1)Wound Care

2)Wound Healing Classification

3)Wound-Healing Process

4)The Future of Intensive Care Medicine

5)Wound Healing and Prevention

6) Negative Pressure Wound Therapy:

7)Nutrition and Critical Care

8)Wound Science Initiative

9)Wound Care for Patients with Diabetes

10)Skin Grafting

11)Wound Infection and Dermatology

12)Factors Affecting Wound Healing

13)Wound Management

14)Importance of wound care in nursing

15)Wound Care Awareness

16)Complications of Wound Healing

17)Wound care documentation guidelines

18) Foot and Ankle Wound Care

19)Wound care and Ostomy

Wound Care:

wound care is a disruption of the skin's normal structure and function, as well as the soft tissue structures beneath it. A range of mechanisms, including acute and chronic etiologist, can generate wounds. Abrasions, punctures, crush injuries, thermal injury, gunshots, animal bites, and surgery, among other things, are all examples of acute injuries induced by trauma. Ischemic breakdown can occur as a result of any process that reduces blood flow within the skin care for an extended period of time. Chronic proximal artery blockage, vascular compression, microvascular occlusion, and thrombosis can all cause skin perfusion to be compromised.

The basic principles of wound healing as well as wound classifications are discussed. The variables that contribute to poor wound healing and wound complications, as well as the clinical assessment and management of wound

Skin care


Wound Healing

Management of Wound

RelatedWound Care Congress 2022 | Wound Care Conferences 2022 | Nursing Congress 2022 | Wound Healing Conferences 2022 | Best Wound Care Conferences 2022 | Top Medical Conferences 2022 | Wound Care Nursing 2022 | Wound Care 2022 | Dermatology Conferences 2022 | Foot Ulcer Conferences 2022 |Diabetes Conferences 2022 | Tissue Science Congress 2022

Related Associations and SocietiesInternational Association for Trauma Surgery and Intensive Care (IATSIC), European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM), American Trauma Society (ATS), Society for Critical Care Medicine (SCCM), Canadian Critical Care Society (CCCS), German Society for Trauma Surgery (GSTS), Pan American Trauma Society (PTS)

Wound Healing Classification:

The ability to anticipate the possibility of surgical site infections, surgical problems, and reoperation is the clinical significance of correct wound classification. Wound classification can also assist with determining morbidity, mortality, and quality of life.  Patients who receive grafts benefit from this classification system as well, since it aids in determining the degree of bacterial contamination during grafting and, as a result, the graft's capacity to heal properly.

The human body isn't sterile by any means. Infection occurs as a result of dynamic relations between a host, a possible pathogen, and the surrounding environment. It occurs when a microbe effectively evades the host's immune defenses, resulting in detrimental alterations in the host. An infection is preceded by a sequence of intricate interactions that are currently unknown.





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Related Associations and SocietiesThe European Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (ESPRAS), British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS), American Association of Plastic SurgeonsAmerican Society of Plastic SurgeonsThe Israel Society of Plastic SurgeonsItalian Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (AICPE), German Society of PlasticReconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (DGPRÄC)

Wound-Healing Process:

The body is a complicated and magnificent machine, and the dynamic process of wound healing is a great example of how our body's various systems work together to repair and replace devitalized tissues, with the help of the right wound care solutions. But how does our body mend itself. When our skin is harmed, our bodies initiate an automatic series of actions known as the "sequence of heal" in order to repair the damaged tissues. Hemostasis, Inflammatory, Proliferative, and Maturation are the four steps that make up the healing cascade.

Hemostasis Phase

Inflammatory Phase

Proliferative Phase

Maturation Phase\ Remodelling

RelatedWound Care Congress 2022 | Wound Care Conferences 2022 | Nursing Congress 2022 | Wound Healing Conferences 2022 | Best Wound Care Conferences 2022 | Top Medical Conferences 2022 | Wound Care Nursing 2022 | Wound Care 2022 | Dermatology Conferences 2022 | Foot Ulcer Conferences 2022 |Diabetes Conferences 2022 | Tissue Science Congress 2022

Related Associations and SocietiesInternational Association for Trauma Surgery and Intensive Care (IATSIC), European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM), American Trauma Society (ATS), Society for Critical Care Medicine (SCCM), Canadian Critical Care Society (CCCS), German Society for Trauma Surgery (GSTS), Pan American Trauma Society (PTS)

The Future of Intensive Care Medicine:

If a patient's medical needs are more than what a standard hospital ward can give, they are admitted to the critical care unit. Blood pressure support for cardiovascular instability(hypertension/hypotension), sepsis, post-cardiac arrest syndrome, or specific cardiac arrhythmias are all indications for the ICU. Due to respiratory compromise, other Critical Care needs include airway or ventilator assistance. The cumulative effects of multiple organ failure, often known as multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, necessitate extensive medical attention. Following a major operation, patients may be brought to the ICU for close monitoring or acute needs.

Coronary intensive care unit disease

Medical intensive care unit (MICU)

Surgical intensive care unit (SICU)

Pediatric intensive care unit (PICU)

Neuroscience critical care unit (NCCU)

RelatedWound Care Congress 2022 | Wound Care Conferences 2022 | Nursing Congress 2022 | Wound Healing Conferences 2022 | Best Wound Care Conferences 2022 | Top Medical Conferences 2022 | Wound Care Nursing 2022 | Wound Care 2022 | Dermatology Conferences 2022 | Foot Ulcer Conferences 2022 |Diabetes Conferences 2022 | Tissue Science Congress 2022

Related Associations and SocietiesThe European Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (ESPRAS), British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS), American Association of Plastic SurgeonsAmerican Society of Plastic SurgeonsThe Israel Society of Plastic SurgeonsItalian Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (AICPE), German Society of PlasticReconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (DGPRÄC)

Wound healing and Advance Therapy:

When standard Wound Healing treatments fail, advanced Critical Care curatives are used. numerous inventions are being created for efficacity ,relative effectiveness, and effectiveness, but they aren't well- developed .Collagen products(gap), natural dressings (BD), natural skin coequals, keratinocytes, platelet- deduced growth factor, platelet-rich tube (PRP),tableware products, intermittent curvaceous contraction re med (IPC), negative pressure crack remedy (NPWT), electromagnetic remedy (EMT), hyperbaric oxygen (HBOT),topical oxygen, and ozone oxygen are some of the treatments available.

Preventing Infection

Enhancing Healing

Minimizing Harm

Monitoring the State of Wound

RelatedWound Care Congress 2022 | Wound Care Conferences 2022 | Nursing Congress 2022 | Wound Healing Conferences 2022 | Best Wound Care Conferences 2022 | Top Medical Conferences 2022 | Wound Care Nursing 2022 | Wound Care 2022 | Dermatology Conferences 2022 | Foot Ulcer Conferences 2022 |Diabetes Conferences 2022 | Tissue Science Congress 2022

Related Associations and SocietiesInternational Association for Trauma Surgery and Intensive Care (IATSIC), European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM), American Trauma Society (ATS), Society for Critical Care Medicine (SCCM), Canadian Critical Care Society (CCCS), German Society for Trauma Surgery (GSTS), Pan American Trauma Society (PTS)

Negative Pressure Wound Therapy:

Negative-pressure wound therapy (NPWT) is a wound-care approach that is used to treat big, chronic, persistent wounds as well as acutely difficult wounds. An electronically controlled pump and a foam dressing that drains the wound make up the system. An airtight adhesive membrane covers the wound and applies adjustable negative pressure. NPWT drains wound exudate and is supposed to aid healing by improving blood circulation.

This systematic review intends to update the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care's systematic reviews on NPWT. The goal of these studies was to compare wound healing and adverse effects in patients with acute and chronic wound who received NPWT vs conventional treatment.

Wound negative pressure


Chronic wounds


RelatedWound Care Congress 2022 | Wound Care Conferences 2022 | Nursing Congress 2022 | Wound Healing Conferences 2022 | Best Wound Care Conferences 2022 | Top Medical Conferences 2022 | Wound Care Nursing 2022 | Wound Care 2022 | Dermatology Conferences 2022 | Foot Ulcer Conferences 2022 |Diabetes Conferences 2022 | Tissue Science Congress 2022

Related Associations and SocietiesThe European Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (ESPRAS), British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS), American Association of Plastic SurgeonsAmerican Society of Plastic SurgeonsThe Israel Society of Plastic SurgeonsItalian Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (AICPE), German Society of PlasticReconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (DGPRÄC)

Nutrition and Critical Care:

When it comes to critical disease, the best time to start PN is uncertain. If the patient cannot tolerate EN, ESPEN recommends introducing PN after 3–7 days. Early PN, on the other hand, has not been shown to affect mortality or other critical care outcomes. Before implementing additional PN, ESPEN suggests exhausting all EN options on a case-by-case basis. No nutritional therapy for 14 days after Critical Care admission is related with higher mortality and a longer hospital stay as compared to PN.

There are two common ICU structures: closed and open. In a closed unit, the intensivist takes on the primary role for all patients in the unit. In an open ICU, the primary physician, who may or may not be an intensivist, can vary for each patient. There is growing evidence that closed units provide better patient outcomes. In the U.S., open units are the most prevalent structure, but closed units are common at large academic centres. There are also intermediate structures that lie between open and closed units.


Pulmonary Artery Catheter        



Extensive use of pharmaceuticals

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Related Associations and SocietiesInternational Association for Trauma Surgery and Intensive Care (IATSIC), European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM), American Trauma Society (ATS), Society for Critical Care Medicine (SCCM), Canadian Critical Care Society (CCCS), German Society for Trauma Surgery (GSTS), Pan American Trauma Society (PTS)

Wound Science Initiative:

Our commitment to using research to promote the science of wound care and improve treatment is known as the Wound Science Initiative has become the preeminent expert in evidence-based wound care, resulting in superior wound care outcomes for our patients and provider partners, thanks to our database of more than 6 million wounds and partnerships with academic and scientific leaders.

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Related Associations and SocietiesThe European Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (ESPRAS), British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS), American Association of Plastic SurgeonsAmerican Society of Plastic SurgeonsThe Israel Society of Plastic SurgeonsItalian Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (AICPE), German Society of PlasticReconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (DGPRÄC)

Wound Care for Patients with Diabetes:

Patients with diabetes mellitus frequently develop chronic wounds as a result of impaired Wound healing. This has negative effects for both the patient and the medical system, and with the rising prevalence of diabetes, it will soon become a major medical, social, and economic burden. As a result, therapeutic alternatives to the currently available treatments, which, while diverse, do not guarantee a rapid and complete healing process, seemed to be necessary.

In diabetes, a complicated patho physiology comprising vascular, neuropathic, immunological, and metabolic components leads to impaired repair Hyperglycaemia is linked to stiffer blood arteries, which result in slower circulation and micro vascular function, resulting in decreased tissue oxygenation. Diabetic patients ‘blood vessel changes also result in less leukocyte migration into the wound, making it more susceptible to infection. Leucocyte function can be harmed by the hyperglycaemic environment. Peripheral neuropathy can also cause numbness and a reduced ability to sense pain, which can contribute to the chronisization of infections that aren't appropriately treated right away

Antidiabetic drugs


Growth Factor

Stem Cells

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