Allied Academies

About Conference

The International Research Conference Aims and Objectives:

The International Research Conference is a federated body dedicated to bringing together a significant number of different academic activities within the conference system for presentation. During the conference, events can occur over a span of time depending on the number and duration of the presentations. It offers exceptional value for teachers, educators, and researchers in the industry, with its high quality.

Wound Care Congress 2022: 6th International Conference on Wound Care, Nursing and Tissue Science aim to bring together leading prominent scientists, researchers, and research scholars on all aspects of Wound Care, Tissue Science, and also Nursing studies to discuss and share their insights and study findings. It also offers a leading interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners, and educators to present and discuss the latest developments, patterns, and concerns, as well as the practical problems faced and the approaches, embraced in the fields of Wound Care and Tissue Science

Abstract Submission for Authors:

Please ensure that your abstract submission should be as per the abstract template on the conference website for accepting scholarly papers.

Abstract Submission Link:

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