Allied Academies

Wound Care

Wound Care

Wound Care:

wound care is a disruption of the skin's normal structure and function, as well as the soft tissue structures beneath it. A range of mechanisms, including acute and chronic etiologies, can generate wounds. Abrasions, punctures, crush injuries, thermal injury, gunshots, animal bites, and surgery, among other things, are all examples of acute injuries induced by trauma. Ischemic breakdown can occur as a result of any process that reduces blood flow within the skin care for an extended period of time. Chronic proximal artery blockage, vascular compression, microvascular occlusion, and thrombosis can all cause skin perfusion to be compromised.

The basic principles of wound healing as well as wound classifications are discussed. The variables that contribute to poor wound healing and wound complications, as well as the clinical assessment and management of wound

  • Skin care
  • Surgery
  • Wound Healing
  • Management of Wound
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