Allied Academies

The Future of Intensive Care Medicine

The Future of Intensive Care Medicine

If a patient's medical needs are more than what a standard hospital ward can give, they are admitted to the critical care unit. Blood pressure support for cardiovascular instability (hypertension/hypotension), sepsis, post-cardiac arrest syndrome, or specific cardiac arrhythmias are all indications for the ICU. Due to respiratory compromise, other Critical Care needs include airway or ventilator assistance. The cumulative effects of multiple organ failure, often known as multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, necessitate extensive medical attention. Following a major operation, patients may be brought to the ICU for close monitoring or acute needs.

  • Coronary intensive care unit disease
  • Medical intensive care unit (MICU)
  • Surgical intensive care unit (SICU)
  • Pediatric intensive care unit (PICU)
  • Neuroscience critical care unit (NCCU)
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